The Board was asked to weigh in on increased group use of KUUF facilities. This was a lengthy and complex discussion. We started by acknowledging that:
● Kitsap County may or may not be entering Phase 3 of reopening.
● The number of new positive cases of Covid 19 have increased more than 4 fold in June,
as compared to May numbers. (per Health District website, 11 new cases in May, and
56 new cases so far in June.
● This is a trend being seen around the state and the country.
● Those amongst our community who are “high risk” remain so, no matter what the
designated reopening phase.
● These increasing case numbers appear to be related to increased gatherings and
decreased use of social distancing and face coverings, as many people appear to
become complacent about the persistent risk.
● Based on the recommendations of the UUA, we are not currently planning on in person
worship gatherings until May 2021.
● There has been very limited use of the sanctuary by our piano accompanist for the
purpose of recording music for our online services.
● There is a desire to start live streaming our services from the sanctuary. This would
involve a very small number, <5 together in the sanctuary, with social distancing, facial coverings, and cleaning protocols being strictly observed, and under supervision of members of the worship committee.
● There was a small Solstice celebration for families with children, planned and supervised by our DRE, Jenell, and with the support of Rev Jessica. There was strict attention to separation of family groups at all times. The building was not opened.
After our discussion, it was agreed that:
● At this point we do not feel confident that it is safe to open KUUF buildings, bathrooms, kitchen, sanctuary, etc.
● We do not feel that we have enough assurance that community transmission is significantly decreased to make a decision about expanded use of KUUF facilities, for group gatherings.