Board Summary 6/25/2020

Below is a summary of our June Board meeting. Official minutes will be forthcoming, but the Board wishes to share with you what is going on with the business of the Fellowship.
Present: Terry Mallory, Lisa Johnson, Jack Peterson, Jackie Westwood, Peter Kreidler, Nathan Emmett, Susan Welsh, Jim Strunk, Tanesha Smith Absent: Mark Sugimoto (excused)
Terry lit the chalice, the group checked in, and Terry and Jack read the Board Covenant.
Treasurer’s Report and Budget: Mark had submitted the Treasurer’s Report. Pledge revenues are above target, as are congregational offering. Committee and administrative expenses are down. We balanced our budget at the end of the fiscal year. Easter Seals tenants are current in their lease. While currently our budget looks good, there are unknowns, especially as Easter Seals is working toward opening at a reduced capacity, and we don’t know if their Medicaid payments will come through. The Finance Committee will continue to monitor for decreases in revenues, and will keep the Board apprised. We also don’t know how our annual Auction, or major fundraiser, will go forward under COVID conditions.
The Board approved the budget.
Settled Ministry Task Force Update: The Task Force to explore KUUF’s readiness to call a settled minister, Reverend Jessica, will meet 6/28/2020 to begin the process. Their task is to make and carry out a plan to reach out to members to discuss the answers to these questions:
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The Task Force will be reaching out to the congregation to determine preferred modes for discussion (Zoom, phone calls, Emails, possibly small groups if we enter Phase 3...) While many in our fellowship have expressed eagerness for calling Reverend Jessica to Settled Ministry at KUUF, moving a minister from Contract to Settled Ministry requires, according to our Bylaws, 50% of our membership to participate in the vote, and 85% must approve it.
Some may not be comfortable with holding these discussions until we can meet in person. We need to do our best to see that everyone is heard.
Everyone will soon be receiving an email from the Task Force with a survey monkey asking for your preferences Re. means of communication. For example, on line small group, discussion phone conversation , etc. Please respond to this email promptly.
Digital Annual Meeting update: Our annual Congregational Meeting will take place July 19, 2020, after our regular Sunday service. Meeting agenda, the budget, Minister and Presidents’ reports, and reports from all committees will go out electronically during the week of June 29. If you wish to request hard copies of these materials, please
How do we see KUUF in 5-10 years?
Is having a Settled Minister part of that vision?
Is Reverend Jessica a part of that vision?
How comfortable are members with making a major decision like this remotely?

 contact Tanesha at 360-377-4724 or She can also send you a proxy ballot.
The Board will also be hosting 3 Conversations with the Board Zoom meetings on 7/1/292, 7/8/2020, and 7/15/2020 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, to discuss the budget and agenda items with Fellowship members. The Zoom links will come out just prior to these Wednesday meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact Board members at if you have questions or concerns.
KUUF and KitsapERACE: KUUF has been invited to join KitsapERACE, a coalition of local groups supporting the Movement for Black Lives. A large number of our members have been joining in vigils and protests and bearing our Black Lives Matter: Standing on the Side of Love banner. You will be hearing more on the coalition’s work.