Chalice lighting and reading of KUUF Board Covenant
March Board Meeting minutes were approved with minor changes, as was tonight’s agenda
Treasurer’s report: Although pledges are somewhat down, as is Charitable Giving, we ended the fiscal year with 97% of pledges received. Loss of revenue from the deferral of Easter Seals’ rent April rent has not really hit us yet, but the rent increase from January through March still left us at 103% of that budget. The impact of the deferral of Easter Seals’ rent will become clear with our next month’s financial report. Thanks to Mark Sugimoto and Susan Welsh for their work. The Treasurer’s report was accepted by consensus.
Charter for Committee on Shared Ministry: The committee has updated their charter, and presented it to the Board for approval. Approved unanimously.
Charitable Giving for 2020-2021: The question was raised whether to send out the vote to the congregation via Survey Monkey, or wait until we hold our annual meeting. Board members felt that the congregation had plenty of time to submit new nominations, and we voted, unanimously, to conduct the vote via Survey Monkey. That information has now gone out, and voting will continue through May. May’s Charitable Donation recipient is KIAC.
Increased use of ICON system for intra-congregational communication. We already use the ICON system for budget, and it provides a means of keeping communication, member info, and other relevant information in one place. Lisa is looking into whether this would be helpful for our communications, and will report back at our May 26 meeting.
Application for Payroll Protection Plan grant: Terry and Susan worked hard to gather the information to complete the application for this loan, which will turn into a grant after 8-10 weeks, provided we continue to pay our employees, which in March we voted to do. We were approved for the program, which will bring us just under $26,000. There was discussion on whether or not we should accept this money, as other small businesses in our community are in worse financial shape. We ultimately settled on accepting it with the proviso that when our next fiscal year ends, if we have money left over, we will pay it forward to help community nonprofits. Consensus yes.
Grounds care: should we continue to pay the company we hired last year. Out of concern for our faithful grounds volunteers, and to be consistent in paying our employees through the COVID-19 crisis, we voted unanimously to continue to employ Brothers’ Landscaping. Terry will contact them to arrange for their services when businesses can open up again.
Reverend Jessica and Settled Ministry: Tabled until a special meeting, to be arranged via Doodle Poll.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Lisa Johnson