Moving Forward Task Force Update

Dear Beloved Community,

We’re moving deeper into fall as each October day passes.  Leaves blanket the ground, pumpkins are multiplying around us, the light arrives later and leaves earlier. When the pandemic first hit us and locked us down, I found so much comfort in my daily walks by noticing how spring was slowly turning the world green again.  New leaves were sprouting, birds were building nests, and the days were getting longer.

Now, it is dawning on me how many long hours of darkness stand before us, before spring comes again, as it will.    And we must--now even more than ever as we all get dulled with COVID fatigue—maintain and build on our connections with each other.  Our ties to each other will see us through this.

In August your Board appointed the Moving Forward Task Force (MFTF) to advise the Board on best practices and timing for moving toward reopening.  Task Force members are Reverend Jessica Star Rockers, Parish Nurse Jennifer Ingalls, KUUF Administrator Tanesha Smith, Building and Grounds Chair Ed Woods, Finance Committee Chair Susan Welsh, Worship Committee Chair Beth Wilson, and Lisa Johnson, Board Co-President.   The day we all meet together in person is still long in the future, but our community is not sitting still and waiting.  The Task Force meets monthly, Jennifer updates us on the latest health information in Kitsap County and greater Washington, and we share information on steps being taken to get us ready for that future re-opening.  Here are some notes:

·       The COVID outbreak at Harrison/St. Michael’s Hospital is largely under control, but case numbers across the county and the country are still increasing.  Mason County had a disturbing outbreak at a care center, affecting nearly half of its residents.

  • The CDC once again acknowledges that coronavirus is transmitted through aerosolized droplets.  Keep wearing those masks!

  • Fall flu season is upon us.  Please protect yourself and others by getting your flu shot.

  • Ed Woods and Paul Wilson have solicited bids for improving the ventilation and air filtration system in the Sanctuary, and will be looking into the same for the Admin building.. 

  • The Worship Committee has added a Wednesday Vespers service so people can gather together midweek for reflection and spiritual growth. Reverend Jessica, Bonner Sams, and Nancy Sleight are putting these services together.

  • The Settled Ministry Task Force is continuing to move forward, and will present its report to the Board in November.  The Board will then determine if and when to call a vote.  Our Bylaws require that we have at least 50% of our members participate in that vote, and the vote receives 90% approval. This is a high bar, and we will NEED you to be part of the vote.

  • The Worship Committee and the Fun and Frolic Committee are working on developing plans for our celebrating the upcoming holidays together, remotely.  They welcome your ideas!

Many faith communities are struggling during this hard time.  Our Fellowship is strong, with vibrant services, neighborhood groups reaching out to each other, expanded pastoral care, and still growing membership.  We are strong because we have dedicated staff and strong, shared ministry.  On a personal note, I do not know how I would get through the isolation of this time without KUUF.  It gives me purpose and hope.  May it do the same for all of you, and may all of you be part of the warm embrace our faith community extends. 

We are all on this journey together.

In faith, hope, and love,

Lisa Johnson

Board Co-President