Moving Forward in the time of COVID-19

Back in March, when KUUF’s Board made the decision to postpone our annual Congregational Meeting, we were hopeful that by summer’s end we would have most of this behind us, and we could be meeting together in person once again. How naive we were then! Now, as the months of isolation stretch on, we face difficult questions. When will it be safe to begin opening up, and how will we do that in a way that is responsible for our congregation and staff?

Last month the Board convened the Moving Forward Task Force to study these questions and advise the Board. Task Force members are Reverend Jessica Star Rockers, our Parish Nurse Jennifer Ingalls, Ed Woods, Beth Wilson, Susan Welsh, and myself, Lisa Johnson. We are studying local, state, and CDC health data and recommendations from a wide variety of sources on steps to take to be as safe as possible. Below is some of what we know:

  • The health and well-being of our community and staff is our number one priority.

  • Our neighborhood groups, online worship services, Chalice Circles, Children’s RE, committee meetings continue to do the work that connects us, that we value and love.

  • The Unitarian Universalist Association has recommended that we remain closed, with virtual services only, until at least May of 2021.

  • Our buildings remain closed, with staff working from home. Tanesha Smith, our administrator, comes in 2-3 times per week, but is not on a regular schedule.  If you need to contact her, please do so at        

  • Certain staff will occasionally enter the buildings, but will sign in and out, wear masks, and observe cleaning protocol.

  • We have posted signage on our buildings regarding safety procedures, our Sunday services, and how to contact KUUF personnel. 

We have been so fortunate at KUUF to be able, though the excellent work of our  Reverend Jessica, our Worship team, and our music staff of Brian Kenny, Mike Menefee and Alena Menefee Hemingway, to continue to nurture our Beloved Community. May we all maintain our patience and hope, knowing that we will be together again, and that we are stronger because of our holding each other in our hearts.  

The Moving Forward Task Force will continue to update you as events unfold.    

In faith,

Lisa Johnson