With masking restrictions easing in Kitsap County and the nation, many of us are asking “When can we return to KUUF?” The question is a tough one, without straightforward answers. We are living in a time when the rules are evolving, and we all must be patient as we strive to do what is best for the most people.
We are so happy that so many among us are vaccinated, and that with the new CDC guidelines there is the promise of returning to some semblance of normal life this summer. This is wonderful progress! There is light ahead!
Our Moving Forward Task Force, which is charged with advising our Board on pandemic safety, meets regularly, and we met Thursday 5/20/21 to clarify our current masking protocol.
Jennifer Ingalls, our Parish Nurse, stated that the CDC’s lifting of the mask directive caught many in the medical community by surprise, and many are uneasy with it. It is true that transmission levels are currently low, and perhaps the lifting was offered as an incentive for more people to become vaccinated. That said, Kitsap County’s current vaccination rate is 50%, which is low, and needs to be higher if we are to defeat this virus. Being vaccinated protects you and lowers the risk of exposure to your children and other vulnerable members of our society. Being vaccinated also makes it likely that you would be asymptomatic should you contract the virus. Even vaccinated individuals can spread the virus to unvaccinated and vulnerable individuals, including children.
The Board, with the support of Reverend Jessica, and in line with UUA guidance, has taken the position that we will not meet together in person again until all can do so safely. This position is most in line with our values as an inclusive community. We will revisit that recommendation when we next meet on 5/27/21 via Zoom at 6:30 pm.
For now, as we are beginning to gather together again in small groups at the Fellowship and in members’ homes, here is what the Board has decided regarding masking protocols:
· Masks will still be required for all inside KUUF buildings.
· Masks will be required outside at KUUF if there are unvaccinated or vulnerable people present together.
· For KUUF events held in people’s homes (Chalice Circles, Neighborhood Groups, Book groups), vaccinated people can unmask at the discretion of the group.
· KUUF Sunday services will continue online until further notice, as not all members can join together at this time. We will continue to monitor the situation as new information becomes available.
We will continue to revisit the question of reopening, we welcome your input and we realize there is a wide range of opinions on when this should occur. The board continues to stay tuned to the state, the CDC, and Kitsap Public Health recommendations as well as the recommendations of the Moving Forward Task Force. We will continue to update you in the weeks ahead as we know more, though we do not anticipate a full reopening in the immediate future.
We all understand COVID fatigue, and are eager to join together once again. We also understand that those most vulnerable to infection are also those without voice in our community. We must continue to be patient.
The Board commits itself to regular communication with our community as we go forward. If you have questions, please send them to board@kuuf.org.
In faith and love,
Lisa Johnson, for the KUUF Board of Trustees