KUUF Conversations with the Board

via Zoom 7:00-8:00 pm

Present: Lisa Johnson, Terry Mallory, Jack Peterson, Karen Leader Scott, Selene Patterson, Mark Sugimoto, Jackie Westwood, Ginny Sugimoto, Peter Kreidler, Jim Strunk, Susan Welsh, Ellen Newberg, Ed Woods, Nancy Sleight, Jerry Butler, Ellie Klauminzer, Paul Wilson, Beth Wilson.

Karen: What is the amount that the congregation will vote upon to take from Endowment funds to pay for the AV equipment? $13,093.55

Selene: Are there any changes to the agenda previously distributed? Yes, and it will be sent out again.

Ginny: She is concerned that there may be many questions from the congregation during the meeting about the budget. Paul: Shall we send an email to the congregation asking those who still have questions to submit them prior to the meeting? Terry: the hope in scheduling the three conversations with the Board meetings was to cut lengthy discussion at the meeting.

Ginny: Where is money for Rev. Jessica’s full-time salary coming from? The Board voted to take whatever extra was needed from savings left from the prior year, and the ministerial search funds. Nancy: We were over budget prior to the pandemic, so the extra $25,000 from PPP certainly helps. Lisa: There are concerns that next year might be difficult. But the Board is hopeful that the congregation numbers will grow with Rev. Jessica as a full-time minister.

Ellen: Do we have the June numbers for pledges? Mark: Yes, and we are still ahead for the year. Susan: Will be looking at the numbers more closely prior to the meeting. We are ahead of budget on donations for the congregation, which is separate from the donations to the charitable giving recipients

Ginny: Will we be having a virtual auction? Ellen: yes. She has spoken to the coordinator of Olympia UU congregation’s online auction, which netted $35,000 (twice the number of members as KUUF). The auction committee will hold a meeting with them next Tuesday. Many things can be auctioned creatively for social distancing. Susan: Finance Committee is recommending establishment of a Ways and Means Committee which will work on developing other fundraising sources, so they are looking for volunteers.

Ed: he continues to get calls from our security service about the building alarm going off. Do we send the police each time? How do we respond to this? The shed is connected to the Sanctuary alarm system so we don’t know if it is the shed or the Sanctuary being broken into. Paul: Have a meeting with the security company to see options and set up protocol for answering alarms.

Lisa: It would be helpful if you pre-register for Sunday’s annual congregational meeting by emailing Tanesha.

Submitted by, Selene Patterson Ex-Officio Secretary