February: President’s Column

Happy February everyone. The days are getting longer and our future is certainly looking bright! We are entering the time of year when KUUF builds the budget for the next church year (May 2019 – April 2020). Seems crazy to be writing 2020 already! The Stewardship Campaign is the program that asks each of us to make a monetary pledge which, when combined with all other members’ pledges, will fund KUUF operations throughout the next year. The numbers I’m showing below come from the 2018 – 2019 proposed budget and are only approximations.

What is my pledge used for?

  • About 61.5% of last year’s pledges supported our staff and administrative expenses. We have two paid administrative positions; one paid position for Director of Religious Education;, two paid positions supporting our music program;, and several childcare positions ensuring our children’s well-being.

  • About 23% was dedicated to maintaining our lower buildings and campus.

  • About 16% was used for program expenses. The majority of that allowed the Worship Committee to provide the amazing guest ministers and speakers we enjoy on Sundays.  

  • About 7.5% went to the UUA and the PWR to support their efforts in promoting UU values nationally and regionally. You may know our regional representative Tandi Rogers. She and the region’s compensation consultant were an important resource during contract negotiations with our minister – Rev. Jessica Star Rockers.  

That’s 108% of our pledges used for the stated purposes. How is that possible? Our total member-generated income is the sum of our pledging and fundraising events throughout the year. Additionally, we earn some money from administrative services provided, as well as, for the last several years, revenue from leasing the Matan Building.  

You’ll see that the cost of our quarter-time minister is not included above. This is because the funds providing her services were unspent from the previous year’s budget. As there are no guarantees that we will have unspent money after reconciling this year’s budget, the best way to ensure we retain our minister is through our pledges.

If you were to ask me, “Say Eric, I don’t have extra income. Do I have to pledge?” My answer would be, “No, you don’t have to pledge.” But then I would add that my experience has shown me that making a financial commitment, of any amount, may return to you a greater willingness to voice your feelings for how KUUF is doing, both pro or con. I also feel that your ownership, and the likelihood that you will join a committee or program, will be higher. I’m sorry I cannot support that statistically, it’s just my feeling having been both a pledging and non-pledging member. No matter how you contribute, financially or through volunteering, we love you at KUUF.

Thank you all for your continued support. I am looking forward to spending this year with all of you. We are KUUF.

Eric Harrold
KUUF Board President