The writer Adrienne Maree Brown says it beautifully: “a broken heart can cover more territory". This Sunday, we will explore how practices of grief and lament are interconnected with love and liberation. This will be a service with several invitations to sing (or listen) together!
Elisabeth Maaike Geschiere is a descendant of Dutch, Protestant Christian, working class immigrants who were mostly farmers. She is a full-time healthcare chaplain and newly fellowshipped UU Minister living in Seattle who identifies proudly as a queer, gender-expansive, Christian pagan UU. She is passionate about being outside, swimming, grief work, dismantling systems of oppression inwardly and outwardly, and singing and dancing in community.
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Earlier Event: December 1
New to KUUF Conversation: Sunday, December 1, 11:45 am to 12:30 pm
Later Event: December 1
The Poinsettia Sunday Service Tradition for December.